Welcome to DreamHaven Books and Comics!
It has come to my attention that a lot of folks are finding us online these days rather than walking in through the front door, so I thought I should tell you something about the store.
DreamHaven is a good old-fashioned bricks-and-mortar bookstore that opened its doors for the first time on April 1st, 1977. Since then it has been in several different locations in Minneapolis under a couple different names, but always under the same ownership. That’s 42 years! We’ve been in our current location at 2301 E. 38th Street for about 11 years.
The store stock has changed a bit over the years, but the core of it has always been science fiction, fantasy and horror; books and comics; new and used. We’re one of the oldest science fiction specialty shops in the country. That said, we also have a great art section, film books and posters, and vintage paperbacks. Add to that all the odds and ends that have wound up in the store over the last 42 years and we have a very eclectic stock!
Sadly, only a very small percentage of it winds up on our website. We have a small staff, and the amount of time that would be required to get all of it on the website would probably require hiring six more people. Right now the items that get onto our website tend to be significant new titles or older items that get posted on a whim because I had some free time. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t order them online! If you have a wishlist, feel free to send it along to me at wendy@dreamhavenbooks.com. Depending on what you’re looking for it may take me a bit, but I’ll give a search through our stock and see if I can hook you up with what you want.
Some of the more collectible books we do get posted on abebooks.com, and we regularly have a selection of things on ebay.com – that’s good for all sorts of things. But our online stock is only the tip of the iceberg.
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